
Every year before school would start, my parents would repeat the same phrase, over and over.
“Make good friends”
So, over the years, I have truly tried to follow that counsel. I haven’t always been perfect at it, and at times had some friends who could have easily led me down a path that I know would have made me miserable.
 But those were few and far between, and those friendships didnt last.
Aside from those few times, I can honestly say that I believe have followed that counsel. My friends are amazing! They are such great examples to me, and I dont know where I would be without them. It seems like all of them are doing such great things with their lives! Going on missions, going to school, working at amazing places, and in general, just doing great things. I always have so much fun with them!
So i just want to say
You guys are the BEST!
Our night hike at South Mountain: 

Our Trip to the Snowflake Temple
 Our trip to the Gila Valley Temple
Elder Hales open house 

Dressing up like hipsters and getting breakfast at midnight:

Being weird:


It has been a crazy few weeks around here. So many things have happened! 
For starters, I got a new job!! 
My old job was ,well, getting old, and I needed a change.
 It was great for High School, but I was ready to move on to bigger and better things. 
Now I will be doing something that truly makes a difference in peoples lives, and I am so excited!!
 I am going to be working with developmentally disabled people, specifically teenagers. 
It is going to be a new experience, one that will be challenging. 
REALLY challenging, but I cant wait!
 I know that I am doing something good, and I really think that this experience will help me with so many things later on in life.
Another big thing is friends leaving on missions.
(P.S. I would apologize for always talking about missions, but, i’m really not sorry 🙂 Its a huge part of my life right now)
One missionary in particular is my friend Kevin. We have been friends since 7th grade. 
That is about 6 years.
He is like a brother to me and I am so proud of him for deciding to serve! I was there when he was set apart, and it was such a cool experience! You could feel the spirit so strongly, and you could just tell that everyone in that room felt it and knew that he had made the right decision. 
Here are a few of my favorite memories/stories/inside jokes with Kevin
1. “Cool story bro, tell it again”
2. “Kevin, what is integrity?”
3. Teen Tones
4. Getting the card stuck in the ceiling if the choir room and the boys (without saying a word to each other) forming a pyramid with Kevin at the top to get it down
5. He’s hilarious!
6. Ms. Kerby’s Spanish class
7. Bouncy Balls
8. He is super nice to everyone
There are so many more funny things, but I don’t have time to write them all. He is going to be a fantastic missionary and I am so glad he is my friend!
Oh yeah, and I got bangs.
 I know, I know, that isn’t nearly as exciting as a new job or missions, but it is a pretty big change for me 
and I love it!
Well, I think that about covers it for now. I’m sure that as soon as I post this I will think of something else to add, but, such is life.

Favorites and Anticipations

Well, it is the last day of 2012, and in celebration, here are a few of my
favorite things from this year:
Spring Break at Disneyland with my family
Beauty and The Beast:

Thanksgiving with my family

Elite Fitness. I miss these girls!
Breakfast at Midnight:
Me and Elder Beagle

Me and Elder Ashby
 Everyone in these pictures is either on their mission, or going soon!

Elder Helquists Farewell 

Elder Hale opening his call 

 Friends. They are great!
Back to the missionaries, I have TONS of friends with their calls, and some who already left!
Elder Jaden Helquist: Bacolod, Philippines
Elder Michale Beagle: Spokane, Washington
Elder Alex Hansen: Spokane, Washington
Sister Lexy Wadsworth: Spokane, Washington 
Sister Holly Dixon: Birmingham, England
Elder Jeremy Skelton: Charleston, West Virgina
Elder Kevin Hale: Vina Del Mar, Chile
Elder Keir Ashby: Charlotte, North Carolina
Elder Stewart Montierth: Sacramento, California
Sister Jessica Fuller: Omaha, Nebraska
Sister Janel Lewis: Jacksonville, Florida
Elder Tanner Levi: Cape Verde, Africa
Elder Spencer Crockett: Manchester, New Hampshire
Elder Dillon Harper: Manchester, New Hampshire
Elder Miles Meek: New York, New York
Elder Dallin Cluff: Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine 
And there are so many more (myself included) who will be receiving class in the next few months!
As the New Year begins, there are so many big anticipations:
-My mission call.
Words cannot describe just how excited I am to find out where I will be serving for the next 18 months of my life!
-A new job
I just applied for a new job at Guthrie Mainstream, and I hope I get it!
It is doing something worth while, and it makes me so happy!
-Friends and Family
As I prepare to leave on my mission, I want to cherish every moment I have with my family and friends. They mean the world to me.
I hope this new year is wonderful for you all!


**DISCLAIMER** I apologize in advance for some of these pictures.
(Dont kill me).
In no particular order, I give you:
The super old/embarassing/hillarious pictures I just found:
(You’re welcome)
Jr High Orchestra
2nd year girls camp
More Orchestra
Snow Trips
Hot Chocolate stand
Snow trips
That one time I won the cornbread contest at the ward chili cook off
“Jeffery the Squirrel” (a choice few will understand this one)
Lunch in Jr High
Snow trips
My first Mesa High football game
That one time when Parker and Kevin walked in wearing fake mustaches
The year my grandma made PJ’s so big,we both fit inside
Thet were so little!!
Who could forget this?
Mr. Mcnavish (aka one of the coolest teachers EVER)
He is just so dang cute!
That one time we got stranded at ABODA for 2 hours
Movie Nights at Westons house
It is so interesting to look back and see how people have changed, for better or for worse. There are so many good memories brought back from looking at these. I think its so easy to forget the little things that have made our lives so much better, and its nice to remember them now and again. It helps me realize what a wonderful life I have. Its not always perfect, by any means, but it is wonderful!

Ive Been Busy

Sorry, its been a while since i’ve posted anything, but I have been busy.
 Finals are next week and my scholarship is hanging in the balance,
 so blogging has been on the back burner for a while. School is crazy.
 I never thought it would be this hard.
I cant focus in class, which has never been a problem for me before.
 I always catch myself daydreaming about going on my mission.
I even had a dream the other night that i got my call. I was going to London and was so excited!
 Then I woke up. Bummer….
Words cannot describe just how excited I am to serve my mission!
With each of my friends getting their calls and leaving I get more and more restless.
Being a member of this church has brought me so much joy,
and I just want to share it with others.
Every week I look forward to going to mission prep and I love it!
I have fantastic teachers and friends there and I learn so much from them.
So even though School is beyond stressful, I have so much to be happy about!
-I have this amazing gospel on my life and for 18 months,I am going to
 be able to devote my life to sharing it with others.
-Finals are almost over!!!!
-I finally get to start my Music classes next semester!
-Its almost Christmas!
-I get to drink hot chocloate!
(I know, its a weird thing to be happy about, but I thought I wouldnt be able to because of a bet I made with my mom.) 
Literally, the greatest show I have ever seen. If you havent watched it, DO! Its awesome!   
-This CD, and really just Josh Groban in general.
His voice is beautiful. End of Story. I could listen to him sing all day long and not get sick of it. He is just that good.
Be Happy 🙂

Life as of late

1. I have this inexplicable desire to get a turquoise Vespa. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that i wont have a car at my disposal when I get home from my mission and these are cheaper and have WAY better gas mileage. Maybe its because I see one in the parking lot at school every day. Who knows!!
2. I started going to mission prep on Sunday. I LOVE it!! I am so excited to serve a mission as soon as I can! I get so happy every time I think about it!
3. I miss my friends. Especially the ones who are out of state! (P.S. its sad how applicable this picture is to me..)
4. I went on a scavenger hunt date with this guy! We had a blast!! So many fun memories! (and inside jokes!!)
And last, but certainly not least..
5. I went to the ASU V. Oregon game with my friend Kaitlyn. As sad as the final score was, it was still a lot of fun!! (This deserves its own post,so that will be coming soon!)

A Note From Myself

The other day while cleaning off a very high up shelf in my closet, I came across a time capsule that I put together in Young Women’s in 9th grade and had completely forgotten about. It was dated to be opened a few days after graduation, which i definitely already passed, so i opened it. In it were a few pictures, a list of things about me at that time, and a note to myself. It made me smile. In my note I wrote down the things i had hoped i would have accomplished by now. I was surprised by how little those goals have changed. I wrote that i want to be a Music Education major, and I still do. I wanted to go to a university with a great music program, and I still do. I wanted to just be happy, and I am. I wrote that I wanted to have amazing friends, and I do. What really surprised me is how some of the goals were reached. Most of them were in unexpected ways. I wanted to be a Music Education major then because i liked music and i couldn’t really think of anything else i wanted to do. I want to now because I have taught and I know, without a doubt that that is what I am supposed to do with my life, and I love it! The things that hit me the hardest were to be happy and have good friends. I am happy because I’ve gone through really hard things, an can really appreciate the happiness and I can appreciate having good friends because I’ve had some not so great ones. So even though I have changed so much since then, the core things that I know and want and love haven’t changed. I have learned more than I ever thought I would. And I think thats a good thing 🙂


I love General Conference! I always learn so many things, and today i learned something that will have a huge impact on my life. I can serve a Mission at 19 instead of 21. That’s in 9 months. I cried. Alot. When the announcment was made my mom and i literally burst into tears at the same time. Parker can leave as soon as he turns in his papers. I could leave on a mission at the same time as Parker. I have never EVER even thought that could happen! Lately I have been feeling this need for change, and I think this might be it. Everything else i has fallen through, but this, this wont. I still have alot of praying to do before i decide if this is right for me, but i think it just might be the answer to my prayers…

What College Has Taught Me So Far

1. Classes at 6 am are a VERY bad idea!
2. Calculus was an even worse idea!!
3.I hate washing my hair. A lot.
4. Having to to find time to work out for 48 hours in one semester is way harder than it sounds.
5. I miss my friends!!!
6. I want to study abroad, preferably in Ireland.
7. I need to have music classes. They keep me sane!
8. Being done with school by 10 am is the greatest thing ever!
9. I need a new job.
10. Waiting until the night before to write a 4 page paper makes for a long night. (not that I didn’t learn this in high school, but in high school i didn’t have to leave by 5:30 the next morning to get to school on time…)
11. Trying to figure out how to skip a prerequisite so you can take the class that is actually at your level is a pain.
12. Gas is expensive. especially when you drive around 20+ miles every day…
13. High school was so simple! Enjoy it!!!
14. Im never going to qualify for financial aid. And i really need it…
15. I want to go to BYU next year.
16. I need to make more friends! (You can never have too many )
17. Register for classes early!! Otherwise you get stuck taking classes you really dont want to. Like Calulus…